Thursday, December 13, 2012

Midweek Meditation

 "my body is here
but my heart is at the beach"

I have been gradually getting myself into Holiday Mode.  I do enjoy the holidays, but I also strive to balance the busyness of it all.  After work yesterday, in between a doctor's appointment and getting back home to make some dinner, I stopped at Bee Hive Gift Shop for their open house.  I bought some lovely jewelry gifts for my daughter and two nieces.

At the check out, as the proprietress wrapped my gifts, I faced this wall.

The Christmas figures on the mantle and the paper letters taped to the wall were perfect... a reflection of just where my own head has been lately... (remember my last post?)  When I asked her (Patty, the shop owner) if she would mind if I took a photo, she said, "of course not", and s
he told me that her daughter had made the letters and put them up for her.  (Daughters are like that.)  And then she went into a little monologue about beaches... homes in the mountains (she did not want one)... and such.  She rightly assumed that I was totally in agreement with her on the beachfront thing.

As I prepare for my own Christmas Holiday, I have been remembering Seven Mile Beach... where I was just one year ago...


1 comment:

  1. I am nodding my head, agreeing, the beach is in my soul too.
