Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Our Rocky Mountain Trip - Part 2

It has been a year now since our trip to three national parks in the Rocky Mountains. (I have been told that it may not be correct to group all of these mountains together with my "Rocky Mountain" label, but it works for me.)

This first photo is my favorite shot from Glacier National Park on the Canadian border in Montana. I did not take it. Dave Kuharchick, a local TV personality who was touring with us, shot it with my iPhone 7 plus. He was sitting at the window during that part of our Red Bus tour. I learned a lot while watching him (quickly) set the focus and zoom.

We were sincerely told that our views on that rainy day were far better than those we would have seen on days (before or after) when the smoke of wildfires dominated.

We learned a lot about why natural, controlled, forest fires are both healthy and necessary for the ecosystem.

All of these shots were from the Going to the Sun Highway. (The roadway is the first to have been registered in all of the following categories: National Historic Place, National Historic Landmark and Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. The length of the road is approximately 50 miles and spans the width of the park between the east and west entrance stations.) 

My Part 3 Rocky Mountain Post will be all about Yellowstone.

It is very possible that new knitting will come sooner...